I wrapped a box of lemonhead candy to go with it and snuck it into his lunchbox so that he could have a suprise while he was at work. I am truly thankful that he is providing for us and that I'm able to take this full year off to spend with my daughter, it's such a blessing. This is one of my little ways to say thanks from the both of us.
And here's a photo of the envelope I stamped.My Husband also posted a blog about his top 10 movies of last year. In response to his list I thought I'd say a few things...
- I surprisingly enjoyed The Company Man, I was watching it the whole time. I often like to do other things while watching movies like surfing the internet ;o)
- I'll hopefully have time to watch the final Harry Potter this weekend. My wonderful Brother lent us the DVD's. It will be the third movie I've seen since my Baby was born. I did go see Transformers but she was kicking me the whole time!
- Limitless was a good movie. The only downside for me was how the director used "fast forwards" throughout the movie, I had to look away so that my head wouldn't start spinning.
- Captain America was very entertaining and I'm looking forward to seeing the Avengers!
- Bridesmaids was HILARIOUS
- The Help was a great movie to see.
- X-Men, Awesomeness... when's the next one being released? The only thing I noticed was how it didn't link Dr. Xavier's paralysis to the next movie.
I didn't get to see a lot of movies last year so I'll have to play some catch up later on when Baby's older.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!